Promoting Conceptual Understanding by Optimizing Course Design
Sunday, October 1, 2023
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

Maja Koblar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia and 2Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conceptual learning is the latest educational approach that focuses more on understanding concepts and learning how to link new ideas to old experiences. With conceptual learning skills, you can face new challenges and understand complex scenarios to develop creative solutions.The SVC Education Program is one of the best resources for training in vacuum coating technology and processing. It includes live tutorials at the TechCon, on-demand sessions depending on a company or organization's needs, and can be delivered in-person or online. The SVC Education Program can help business owners attract good employees and improve their performance, skills and knowledge reach your full potential.From November 2022 on, there are compelling, relevant, interactive and affordable webinar tutorials available for training. With so many people changing jobs, getting employees up to speed quickly is a must. Online learning can make this transition much more affordable. The webinar design on VOD (Vimeo On Demand) includes a series of videos, handouts, and survays. The latter will be discussed in this contribution and more ideas will be presented to expand the educational program even further.

Maja Koblar - Jozef Stefan Institute