C-320 Diamond Like Carbon Coatings-From Basics to Industrial Realization
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

This tutorial is recommended for engineers and R&D staff members, who are involved in specifying new designs and surface treatments for components and tools. The application of Diamond Like Carbon, often in combination with pre-treatments like plasma nitriding and polishing, allows much improved wear resistance (abrasive, adhesive, fatigue) and to reduction of friction forces. Under the umbrella name of DLC, various classes of coatings have been developed, where each class of coatings has its own deposition technology and coating characteristics.

The industrial applications are presently mainly in components for e.g. automotive, aerospace, general machine building.

Lars Haubold - Fraunhofer USA
Martin Keunecke - Fraunhofer IST
Christian Stein - Fraunhofer IST