C-230 Processing of Plastics for Better Protection, Reflection, and Decoration
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Thousands of PVD coating systems are installed around the world applying reflective, decorative, electronic shielding and tribological coatings on 3-dimensional polymer substrates including: automotive lighting and trim, toys, white goods (kitchen and bath appliances), sanitary (plumbing components), and electrical enclosures. These films are predominantly created using PVD thermal evaporation, or sputtering, and PE/CVD technologies. The industry is always looking for innovative thin film solutions, whether it be a new material, color or physical property. Today’s technologists must be versed in the basic PVD technologies in order to prepare for these innovation challenges. This course will review the technologies of thermal evaporation and sputtering as it applies to the various applications, as well as the ongoing maintenance required to ensure coating quality and where to look when the process goes astray.

Individuals who will benefit from this course will include: a.) technicians and engineers responsible for the setup, operation and maintenance of the equipment, b.) technologists who are responsible to develop new application, c.) Purchasing managers/executives responsible for capital expenditures, d.) supervisors responsible for production, quality and throughput, and finally e.) companies that are investigating getting into PVD processing.

Joshua Soper - Vergason Technology, Inc
Gary Vergason - Vergason Technology, Inc.